Scheduling appointments and meetings can either be your best friend or your worst nightmare. When your team is scheduling meetings on their own individual calendars, you can easily run into problems of overscheduling or double booking. CHECK-in allows you to access your sales reps’ calendars and assign sales calls without scheduling over meetings they set on their own. On the other side of that, sales reps can schedule their own meetings without having to worry about double booking over a meeting assigned to them by their manager. The Calendar feature in CHECK-in lets you keep track of everything on a sales rep’s plate.
Add a Sales Meeting/Event to CHECK-in
To add an Event, log in to CHECK-in and scroll down to the Calendar on the Home page. You can see what you have scheduled for the rest of the day. Access the Calendar by clicking on it.
If you want to put something new on the Calendar, click on New Event. You will see a page with several different fields to be filled in.
At the top of the page you will see four boxes with red lines next to them. These need to be filled in to create the event. The required fields are the Assigned To, Subject, Start and End boxes. Type in the name of the sales rep in the Assigned To field (even if it’s you).
Title the event in the Subject box. This will be the title that shows up on the calendar. Then select the Start and End times. Click save. You have now created a new event!
Adding More Sales Event Information
You can also go a few steps further and input other helpful information. You can put down the name of who you’re meeting in the Name box and define if you’re meeting with a Contact or a Lead from a drop down menu. You can further define their relationship by filling in the “Related To” box where you can select how they are connected to your company for example, an account. You can also select the meeting type, for example, choose Sales Call from a drop down menu. You can also add any notes about the meeting that will be easily visible in the group calendar. You can make this Event a recurring event by clicking the “Create Recurring Series of Events” box which will expand and give you options to recur every day, week, month, year, or every set amount of days. You’re given a lot of options, so pick what works best for you or your sales rep! Finally, you can make sure you’re reminded of the Event by clicking the Reminder check box and selecting a time when you’d like to be reminded.
If you would like a live walk through of Calendar features, you can schedule a demo.
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