A Fleet Data Management Strategy Template
Like most fleet operators, you probably collect mountains of data about the operation of your vehicles. But you’re also faced with the issue of what to do with all that information. It can be so overwhelming that you just set it aside – you just don’t know what to do with it. So, why bother collecting it at all. To help you we’ve created this free Fleet Data Management Strategy Template. Our aim is to help you organize your strategy, set priorities and establish an effective plan for rolling out your strategy. This template is simple, yet engaging and effective. Just like your data strategy.
You can download the template and easily customize it any way you like. Hopefully, this takes some work off your plate so you can focus on implementing your new fleet data management strategy.
Part of the answer to your data success is prioritizing – what most keeps you up at night – safety issues, fuel costs, productivity? To get started, and keep things manageable, pick one issue and decide to focus on it until it is back in line with your expectations. Then you can move on to another.
Let’s say safety issues, related accidents, insurance costs and the wellbeing of your drivers is something you can’t get your arms around. Just by looking at one piece of data – seatbelt usage – you are probably amazed at how often drivers fail to buckle up. It’s the #1 cause of serious injury or death in an accident. If they were your kids you wouldn’t even put the vehicle in drive until everyone had their belts on.
And there are just a few more data points that speak directly to safety – speeding, a major cause of accidents, harsh cornering, harsh acceleration and breaking. To start with, just focus on the two biggies – excessive speeding and seat belt usage. Simple enough – yes? Well, yes you have the data but what to do with it, is still the question.
You need a simple plan to create change and make safety improvements. And the good news is that there are only a handful components you need to incorporate – setting goals, reporting, posting results, communication and recognition.
First, you need buy-in from the senior execs on your improved safety plan and then you need to communicate it to everyone in the organization and most importantly, to the drivers and their managers. Your plan reads something like this.
We are concerned about our drivers’ safety and wellbeing, and to help improve safety we will be:
- Setting reasonable goals for improvement in just two areas to start with – seatbelt usage, and excessive speeding. (reasonable is key because everyone speeds a little)
- Running weekly safety reports, by driver, focused on these areas
- Posting the results on our internal website for all to review
- Speaking with each driver weekly on how to improve their safe driving habits
- Recognizing the safest and most improved drivers
Most every employee likes a little competition and recognition so put your plan in place and you should see marked improvements pretty quickly.
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