GPS Dashboard, the company that created Check-in & Check-fleet, was founded by two serial entrepreneurs with extensive backgrounds in wireless and Location Based Services (LBS).

Our mission is to fully integrate location into Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. This is driven by the desire in the marketplace for sales and service management to be able to validate customer engagement.

Our apps, Check-in & Check-fleet, which are written for and are available on their AppExchange, integrate location and delivers high value to our customers every day.


Amin Mufti- GPS Dashboard



Amin was a co-founder and VP of Business Development at @Road, one of the most successful Mobile Resource Management (MRM) companies to date.

He developed the original business model, secured funding, and helped grow the business from 9 employees to 270 employees. Amin accelerated early adoption by forging key strategic relationships with partners such as AT&T Wireless and Verizon Wireless.

The company completed an IPO in 2000 and was eventually acquired in 2007 for $480M by Trimble Navigation.

GPS Dashboard- John Lankes



John began his location based services career by joining Teletrac and launching the Detroit operations. He later became the VP of Marketing at Teletrac which now is one of the largest telematics companies in the market.

He joined Southern New England Telephone (SNET Wireless) as VP of Wireless Data Services and was responsible for marketing and sales of their new data network. He later took over the VP of Marketing position and drove both voice, and data products.

John joined @Road early on and headed up marketing and product development and later sales and business development.

Mark Licht- GPS Dashboard



Mark Licht is an entrepreneur with nearly 25 years experience in the formation, financing and operations of telematics and wireless location based service companies.

He founded several telematics companies including Teletrac (200,000 commercial vehicles in service), Ituran (Nasdaq traded with 650,000 vehicles in service) and SigmaOne Communications (E911 location technology).

He has a long track record of defining significant market trends in the GPS, Mobile Resource Management, telematics and LBS markets, establishing business operations, securing private financings and evaluating and executing M&A opportunities in the wireless location industry.

Dave Muscatel



Dave is a very experienced CEO and CFO with an extensive background in turnaround management at private equity owned companies. He played a key role in successful turnarounds at Rand McNally and Performance Designed Products (largest video game accessory company in the world) over the past eight years.

Dave was named CEO “Innovator of the Year” by the private equity firm which owns Rand McNally for spearheading the company’s digital transition, which resulted in multiple years of sustained revenue growth.

He has 15 years of consumer electronics experience across a wide range of technologies, including GPS navigation, fleet telematics, video game and smart phone accessories, wireless broadband connectivity, and B2C web and smart phone apps.